
  • The Factories Act 1934 Pdf
    카테고리 없음 2020. 2. 29. 05:49

    Name:Factories Act, 1934 (XXV of 1934).Country:PakistanSubject(s):Labour codes, general labour and employment actsType of legislation:Law, ActAdopted on:1934Entry into force:Published on:Labour Code of Pakistan, 1987, 60 p.ISN:PAK-1934-L-35384Bibliography:Labour Code of Pakistan, 1987, 60 p.Labour Code of Pakistan, 1987, M. Shafi, Bureau of Labour Publications, Karachi, Pakistan, pp. 105-402Pakistan Code, Ministry of Law, Justice and Human Rights, Pakistan (consulted on 2015-06-08)Abstract/Citation:Consolidates and amends the law regulating labour in factories. Comprised of 7 Chapters and 82 sections concerning inspection, health and safety, working hours, holidays with pay, and special provisions for adolescents and children. Consolidated text available in M. Shafi, Complete Set of Labour Laws (Karachi: Bureau of Labour Publications, various editions).Repealing text(s):.

    (PAK-2016-L-102141) Sindh Factories Act, 2015 (Sindh Act No. XIII of 2016). (PAK-2013-L-99245) Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Factories Act, 2013 Act No. XVI of 2013.Amending text(s):. (PAK-2012-L-99254) Factories (Amendment) Act, 2012 No. XIV of 2012.

    Factories Act 1934 Notes

    (PAK-1973-L-15776) Factories (Amendment) Act 1973 (No. 16).

    (PAK-1972-R-16808) Labour Laws (Amendment) Ordinance 1972 (No. 9). (PAK-1966-R-86164) The Factories (West Pakistan Amendment) Ordinance, 1966 (W.P. VI of 1966). (PAK-1947-L-50085) Factories (North-West Frontier Province Amendment) Act, 1946 (No.

    7 of 1947). (PAK-1940-L-84579) The Factories (Punjab Amendment) Act, 1940. (PAK-1934-L-102099) Factories Act, 1934 (XXV of 1934).Implementing text(s):. (PAK-1989-R-50092) Sindh Factories (Adult Exemption) Rules, 1989 (No. L-II-35/76).

    Factories Act 1934 Wikipedia


    (PAK-1979-R-50091) North West Frontier Province Canteen Rules, 1979 (No. I-46). (PAK-1978-R-50086) Punjab Factories Rules, 1978 (No. 5-2(Lab-II)/72). (PAK-1975-R-50088) Sindh Factories Rules, 1975 (No.

    SO(L-II)-3-9/73. (PAK-1975-R-50093) North West Frontier Province Factories Rules, 1975 (No. SO-II (Lab.) 42/74/665). (PAK-1963-R-50089) Hazardous Occupation Rules, 1963 (No.

    Factories act pdf

    1-6 (L-II/64). (PAK-1959-R-50087) West Pakistan Factories Canteens Rules, 1959.Related text(s):. (PAK-2017-L-104993) The Sindh Payment of Wages Act, 2015 (Sindh Act No.VI of 2017). (PAK-2016-L-104987) Punjab Restriction on Employment of Children Act 2016 (L of 2016). (PAK-1968-R-86160) Industrial and Commercial Employment (Standing Orders) Ordinance, 1968 (W.P.

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